We believe in letting you know our prices up front and therefore charge an hourly rate per gardener of £25.00 per hour. We are happy to keep within your budget and can come for an allotted time period and can give you an estimate of how long particular jobs will take.
Services Charged by the Hour......Lawn cutting and edging, scarifying and aerating, pruning, hedge trimming, hand weeding, hoeing, digging, forking over, planting, propergating, tying in, mulching, watering, sowing, pricking out, potting up, designing, planting plans, grafting, hedge laying, renovating, strimming, turf laying, gritting, snow clearing, greenhouse sterilising, shredding, chipping, sweeping, leaf blowing, advice and coaching.
All charged at £25 per hour, per gardener.
Services Priced by the Job on Enquiry......Lawn weed and moss control, lawn feed, plant supplying, weed suppressing membrane, Weed killer in areas to be replanted, residual weedkiller (areas not to be planted), pest and disease control, hard landscaping, any work requiring machine hire eg; cherry picker, skip, mini digger etc.
(Petrol is charged seperatley at the current market value.) |